



HOW to raise your vibration NOW through dumping interference, building rapport with the higher self, & FAST movement into synchronicity WITHOUT hitting stagnation, a healing crisis, or spending years of work & money on TRADITIONAL THERAPY!



eWorkshops through eTools are a simplistic, easy, & efficient way to move into your life with new energy at your own pace, in the convenience of your home.


Gentle in-depth eTools that flow through key shifting points. All allowing remembrance that works through things at home in-between your personal channelled 1-2-1 sessions.


eTools include methods that can leave you with a feeling of inner strength, well-being & this gets stronger as time goes by.




Giving you the ability to experience your empowerment & knowing through your light merge. Bringing you what you need to begin your journey of sovereignty.


No matter how little you understand, moving into your light is natural & building rapport with your higher self  is innate. The connection is within.


eTools are not a modality, more so a remembrance of all that we innately hold. 




Full of methods that allow direct understanding of how to raise your vibration, bring ease, develop your merge & guide you through to your highest now path.  


The energy is not geographical. No efforting required, nor any need for you to be a doctor, a yogi, have a photographic memory or honours in quantum science.


It is our connection that opens, expands & aligns us & we all experience it in different ways. 





eWorkshops are for the general public, anyone can participate.  All who move through them, do so for their own purposes.

eWorkshops are here for any soul that is naturally drawn or feels directed, & this can include seasoned energy workers. 

No matter your reason, eWorkshops are for all.


ABOUT | eWorkshops (eTools)


CONNECT BLUEPRINT eWorkshop contain powerful, simple, key point sessions using audios, eCards, & ekinaesthetics. 

eWorkshops are appropriate for clearing, integrating & working through your session at home & in-between sessions. eWorkshops help you move through old energy into a new energetic remembrance & higher resonance. All you need is intention.

Perceive it your way today, another way tomorrow. As you re-hear & re-activate with intention & action over time, the information will bring & speak different messages to & through you. 

All eTools can be bought singularly or in bulk through eWorkshops.




@$1980 (40+ eTools)

Brings allowance within & prepares for connection. Over 40 sessions that are recommended to work through in order.  



Should you hit blocks then it is time for an interference release session. 





When fast high vibrational energy is released into our energy fields, all that isn’t a match will rise to the surface for release.


Having regular sessions further avoids integration imbalances, combative intellectual analysis & moves you through your interference release with more comfort.


Through inner self reflection & channelled therapy, we can detect, reduce & correct the imbalances that reside in our fields.


Your personal channelled intuitive therapy sessions…

  1. Release unresolved issues sitting in our energy field & quicken the journey into our highest now timeline.
  2. Increase your expansion & awareness. This allows a faster flow into realisation, sovereignty & empowerment. 
  3. Quicken your flow into synchronicity by releasing blocks that limit your energy, suppress your higher self, hide your natural genius, physic abilities & akashic gifts.
  4. Allow, through guided conduit, assistance to lift the body, mind, emotion & spirit to the highest frequency potential. Releasing stuck, stagnant, distorted limitation, trauma, patterns & programming.



Those interested in booking a private personal channelled intuitive therapy session, please see link below…





All eWorkshops, eTools, eCards, eKinaesthetics & audio information is not transferable & is  for Clarity Centre QLD clients only. We do not advise using the information in these eTools without regular sessions & cellular light work to help release interference that rises up. No part of these eTools may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, & photocopying without written permission from the author. In no way do our modalities replace medical doctors or treatment.

All artwork ©  is from the Quantum Art Oracle Collection by Clarity Centre QLD.

©2012 Clarity Centre QLD. All Rights Reserved.


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